Privacy Policy

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Our Privacy Policy

In compliance with the Organic Law 15 /1999 of December 13th, of Protection of Personal Data, TSUS-Logistics informs the User that the personal data provided will only be treated by TSUS-Logistics and, when appropriate, incorporated into TSUS-Logistics files in order to respond to Users inquiries, suggestions, questions and quote requests.

The mere use of the Web attributes the condition of User and implies the acceptance of all conditions contained in this Privacy Policy.

User data will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties.

In order to expedite service, the Web identifies each User, by the use of “cookies”. “Cookies” are data blocks that certain websites send to a computer’s hard drive when connected, in order to identify it. Being such data stored on the hard drive of the User’s computer.

The User can configure its browser to either install on its computer’s hard drive as a “cookie” or to reject all or some of them. In the latter case, it will not be possible to guarantee the correct functioning of the services of the Web. Source Plastics uses “cookies” for various purposes among which are to ensure a faster and more personalized service.

If a User provides TSUS-Logistics data of third parties, such User under its own responsibility must inform any affected of the provisions of the legal texts of the Web, and is responsible for obtaining the consent of the affected before sending the data to TSUS-Logistics. Anyone who is affected may exercise its rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition by sending an email to

In accordance with the regulating rules of personal data protection and services of the information society, I hereby accept that my e-mail address will become part of a responsibility file from TSUS-Logistics, and to be treated with promotional and advertising aims.

And I declare to be informed that I may be against the indicated treatment, or to revoke the previous given consent, by your voluntary notification to TSUS-Logistics in the following e-mail address: or to exercise rights of access, rectification and cancelation over my data, sending a written letter with copy of my national identity card addressed to TSUS-Logistics by email to, indicating in subject the right you desire to exercise.